Residents renewed their campaign to have a tree – looking perilously close to falling down – removed from their neighbourhood.

The tree is in Ollard Avenue, Wisbech, and former councillor Virginia Bucknor says she has tried repeatedly to get it cut down and taken away.

"This tree has leaned and leaned for several years and now seems ready to topple," she said.

"It is diseased (as confirmed by Bob Ollier when he was at Fenland Council) and he and I asked highways several times to cut this down and replace it - not just remove."

She said she had spoken in the past to a county councillor about it but no action has been taken.

"I think there is a serious danger of it falling and injuring someone is now very close indeed," said Mrs Bucknor.

One resident said: "I just walked under it but had no idea it could fall at any point and injure someone."

Recently elected town and district councillor Andy Maul says he has taken up the issue.

"This has now been reported and I have a confirmation email and contact details of the person who will be looking into it," he said.

He promised to update residents.

Mrs Bucknor said she had raised it last year at a Waterlees forum meeting and promises were made but nothing was done.