SERIOUS issues surrounding the imposition of suspensions on two Fenland taxi drivers who have picked up six points on their licence, threatens to escalate simmering discontentment. Fresh from a narrow defeat over the removal of taxis from the Horsefair in

SERIOUS issues surrounding the imposition of suspensions on two Fenland taxi drivers who have picked up six points on their licence, threatens to escalate simmering discontentment.

Fresh from a narrow defeat over the removal of taxis from the Horsefair in Wisbech, the mood of Fenland's drivers is not good.

Their spokesman Dave Patrick now seems likely to be a candidate in next month's by election in Wisbech North.

Mr Patrick describes the council as running a "kangaroo court" in its application and determination of licensing issues, and although the language may be colourful it is obvious a long running series of problems have not been adequately addressed.

Council Leader Alan Melton met taxi drivers' leaders this week and may be able to reconcile some of their grievances. But he also must be mindful of the need to stay clear of the quasi judicial deliberations of his council's licensing committee.

Whether Mr Patrick wins a seat on Fenland Council or not, he has clearly become a focal point of the taxi drivers' anxiety and it will be interesting to see how this single issue translates into a wider debate about accountability that undoubtedly will become the focus of his campaign.

Whether we agree or disagree with Mr Patrick doesn't matter but what we do applaud is his engagement with the electorate through the most revered channel possible - the ballot box.