The RSPCA is looking for a new home for a little budgie who was left in a box on a bus.

The charity was alerted to the budgie on Thursday September 13 by a controller at Stagecoach East after the budgie was discovered by a bus driver on the Cambridge bus.

RSPCA inspector Alex Coghlan went to collect the colourful bird from the controller’s office in Cowley Road, Cambridge.

A charity spokesman said: “The budgie was in a cardboard box and had been left on the bus.

“While the box had air holes in the side and the bird had water inside, it’s obviously an extremely irresponsible thing to do.

“Thankfully, the Stagecoach East staff found him and contacted us so we were able to get him to safety.”

Stagecoach East’s customer service adviser, Joy Full, who wasted no time contacting the RSPCA about the abandoned budgie, said: “We are delighted that the budgie is now in the safe hands of the RSPCA and pleased to have helped get him there.

“We called him Busby and he’s a lovely little bird. It would be great if the RSPCA could now find him a suitable and loving home.”

The bird - who has been nicknamed Berry by RSPCA staff - was not wearing an ID ring so inspector Coghlan posted his image on PetsLocated but no one has come forward to claim him.

If anyone recognises the bird or believes he may be theirs they should contact the RSPCA’s appeal line on 0300 123 8018.

He is now being cared for by staff at RSPCA Block Fen Animal Centre, in March, where he is searching for a new home.

Animal care assistant Serena Garner said: “Thankfully Berry wasn’t injured and is in a good condition.

“He is a very handsome bird and is a real sweetie. Now we’d like to find him a lovely home in a spacious aviary with other budgies.”

For more information about offering Berry a home please contact Block Fen on 0300 123 0726.

To help the RSPCA rescue, rehabilitate and rehome other animals like Berry please donate by visiting