A Fenland school that 'required improvement' four years ago is now rated as 'good' overall and 'outstanding' for early years.

Emneth Academy was visited by Ofsted inspectors for the first time since 2020, on February 7 and 8.

The latest report states that “the school has designed a well-sequenced curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.

“It sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will learn."

The inspector adds that "the early years curriculum is particularly effective", stating that "the leaders’ vision is that this school will ‘be too good to miss”.

Talking about the early years provision specifically, the report states that “children get off to a flying start" and that “well-trained adults expertly extend talk further through carefully-selected activities.

"This helps children, including those with SEND, to learn very well. Consequently, children are very well prepared for Year 1.”

Principal Elaine Huntington said: “Our very favourable report leaves me bursting with pride.

“I am proud to lead our amazing team of committed staff, wonderful children and supportive community.

“This report is well-deserved recognition for the whole team effort, who share their time and talents, selflessly for the good of our children’s education.”

Emneth Academy is a member of Eastern Multi Academy Trust.

Paul Shanks, chief executive, said: “We are immensely proud of the achievements of Emneth Academy.

“The staff work tirelessly for the children and families that they serve and this report recognises both the impact of this work across the school and the value that we place as a Trust on ensuring children receive the very best start to their education in the Foundation Stage.”