We asked AI technology to list the top five things about Wisbech – and here are the answers it gave us.

ChatGPT can produce human-like answers on command. It even helps with writing documents and even provides up-to-date information based on source material it is fed.

By typing a request into the chat box, ChatGPT’s learning capabilities enables it to understand natural language and generate coherent responses.

In-fact, so convincing is the platform that universities up and down the UK have warned students they could be punished for using AI to complete assignments.

So here is the chatbot’s top five list when we asked it to list the top five greatest things about Wisbech:

Historic architecture

Wisbech boasts a rich history reflected in its well-preserved historic architecture. The town features elegant Georgian and Victorian buildings, including the famous Peckover House and Gardens, which provide a glimpse into the town's past.

Stunning waterfront

The town is situated on the River Nene and has a picturesque waterfront area. This provides residents and visitors with a tranquil place to stroll, enjoy scenic views, and appreciate the natural beauty of the surroundings.

Local markets

Wisbech hosts regular markets that offer a diverse range of goods, from fresh produce to handmade crafts. These markets contribute to a vibrant local economy and create a sense of community by bringing people together to shop and socialise.

Cultural heritage

Wisbech has a rich cultural heritage, with various cultural events and festivals held throughout the year. This includes celebrations that showcase the town's diverse community and highlight its traditions, adding to the overall cultural vibrancy.

Community spirit

The town is known for its strong sense of community spirit. Local residents often come together to support each other through various community initiatives, events, and projects. This sense of unity contributes to a welcoming and friendly atmosphere in Wisbech.