Cambridgeshire Constabulary is running its fourth annual live Tweetathon tomorrow (Friday, October 27) to demonstrate the hard work of its control room staff. 

A Tweet will be posted live from the demand hub to the force’s @CambsCops Twitter account every time an incident comes in between 4pm and 11pm. 

Between January and September this year, the demand hub received more than 83,000 calls to 999, and more than 133,000 calls to 101. 

It is hoped that the Tweetathon, held to coincide with International Control Room Week, will provide the public with an insight into the demand the force faces. It will also demonstrate the variety and complexity of calls and incidents that staff must be equipped to deal with. 

In addition to the Tweetathon, the force will be taking to social media throughout the week October 23-29) to give the public a rare glimpse into life inside their bustling demand hub. 

Detective Superintendent Michael Branston, head of demand, said: “The challenging work that happens 24/7 in the demand hub can often go unnoticed as our dispatchers and call handlers operate behind the scenes. 

“However, the work they do is absolutely vital in keeping the county safe and so it should never go unsung, which is why Control Room Week is such an important event. 

“I want to thank all demand hub staff, who are often the first point of contact for the public, for their continued resilience, hard work and dedication. 

“We hope this Tweetathon will once again demonstrate the reality of police demand and give people an insight into the varied and complex nature of our role, the variety of incidents we deal with and the resources required to keep people safe.” 

You can follow the Tweetathon by following @CambsCops on Twitter.