Cambridgeshire Police have discovered a cannabis factory with more than 100 cannabis plants in Wisbech St Mary.

Neighbourhood officers carried out a warrant in Churchfield Way, Wisbech St Mary, on August 29 and found several rooms had been converted to grow cannabis.

During the raid, a total of 125 cannabis plants were seized, and a man was arrested in connection with the find.

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire Constabulary said: "The 22-year-old man, of no fixed address, was given a caution for the production of cannabis.

"He was also arrested for immigration offences which have been passed to the Immigration Service to deal with."

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Police urge the public to be vigilant for cannabis factories and spot telltale signs, such as frequent visitors at unsocial hours, blacked-out windows or condensation on the windows.

Other signs include bright lights in rooms throughout the night and if you smell a powerful, distinctive, sweet, sickly aroma and noise from fans.

To report a suspected cannabis factory or any drug-related crime, visit the force's website.