Fifteen new affordable homes could be built in a Norfolk village.

Agent David Mead has applied for outline planning permission for the development off Basin Road at Outwell, between Downham Market and Wisbech.

Papers filed with West Norfolk council show the properties arranged around the former Doug Clark Produce site.

READ MORE: Protest over Outwell dog kennels scheme 

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A flood risk assessment says the risk to the site from failure of existing defences are small.

It adds: "There are areas of land to the north, south, east and west of Outwell village which are shown on the Environment Agency’s indicative flood risk map as being at risk of flooding but they are all a considerable distance away from the site."

An ecological assessment says: "The proposed development site is largely arable in character and considered to be of negligible habitat value for protected species."

It adds it consists of a field, with patches of grassland, scrub and a ditch, which are of "low ecological interest".

A decision is excpected later this year.