A 60ft wind turbine has been given the go-ahead despite objections from neighbours who feared it would devalue their property.

Richard Bradley has been given planning permission for the structure at Newton-in-the-Isle, near Wisbech.

David and Barbara Wade, who live close to the site off Cross Drove, near the North Level Drain, said they feared the turbine would deter people from buying their property and devalue it in the event they wished to sell.

A planning officer's report said their concerns were "not a material planning consideration".

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It said the turbine would provide power to nearby Seaford Farm and a proposed vet's cabin at nearby Ivy Cottage. 

The Ministry of Defence said it had no objections to the structure on grounds it might endanger low-flying aircraft, provided sufficient data was submitted to map its position.

Newton Parish Council also said it had no objections.

The report concluded: "It is considered that there are no adverse impacts resulting from the proposal that would outweigh the benefits of providing renewable energy."

Fenland Council officers approved the turbine under delegated powers.