A farm shop has been given the go-ahead after attracting support from villagers.

Karen Turner has been given planning permission to turn a nursery into a farm shop at JB Turner Roses at Gorefield, near Wisbech.

A planning officer's report, which recommended approval, said there had been 49 letters of support from villagers who said the shop was convenient, sold local produce and was a community asset.

Supporter Samantha Hart said it was "good for the village, great for the community".

Fellow supporter Ronald Payne said it was "a much-needed local facility serving both Leverington and Gorefield".

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One letter of objection was also received, on grounds of access and signage at the premises, on Fendyke Lane.

A design and access statement said Ms Turner wished to "regularise the work already carried out to diversify the existing nursery business".

It said she opened a farm shop offering light refreshments in 2020.

The statement said the shop serves between 10 - 35 customers a day making it "a relatively small venture".

It added it also provides extra employment, with five part-time staff.