Residents across Cambridgeshire are being advised to keep warm and look out for others as temperatures plummet amid a severe cold weather alert. 

The Met Office has issued a level three cold weather alert, due to expire by 9am on December 12, with a 90 per cent chance of severe cold weather and icy conditions. 

Daytime temperatures are expected to be just above freezing during the alert, with extremely cold nights also planned. 

Val Thomas, deputy director of public health for Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC), said: “Being cold isn’t just uncomfortable it can be bad for your health.  

“Sitting or sleeping in a cold room is not good for you and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and breathing problems.” 

Ms Thomas added: “Try to maintain indoor temperatures to at least 18 degrees and have regular hot food and drinks. 

“If you have vulnerable family and friends, look out for them through making sure they are warm, they have food and any prescriptions they need so that they do not have to leave their homes.” 

CCC have suggested further tips on adapting to the cold weather: 

Keeping your home warm, efficient and safe 

If you can’t heat all the rooms you use, heat the living room during the day and your bedroom just before you go to sleep; 

Get your heating system and cooking appliances checked and keep your home well ventilated. 

Look after yourself 

Keep your bedroom windows closed on a winter’s night; breathing cold air can increase the risk of chest infections; 

Food is a vital source of energy and helps to keep your body warm so have plenty of hot food and drinks. 

Look after others 

Check on frail or older neighbours or relatives, especially those living alone or who have serious illnesses to make sure they are safe, warm and well; 

Ask about living in a cold home and support vulnerable individuals to access existing resources to keep warm. 

Keep warmth in 

Fitting draught proofing to seal any gaps around windows and doors. 

Draw your curtains at dusk and tuck behind radiators to help keep heat inside. 

For more tips and financial help during the cold weather, visit Cambridgeshire County Council’s website