Schools and community groups in Cambridgeshire can once again take advantage of the Woodland Trust’s free trees initiative.

Applications for trees to be delivered in Spring 2023 are now open and the trust’s project lead, Vicky Baddeley hopes even more schools and groups will take up the offer.

She said: “By offering the free packs, we aim to equip our schools and communities with a simple yet mighty tool to combat the effects of climate change, as well as provide ever more vital food and habitats for local wildlife.”

The Woodland Trust’s free tree packs scheme has seen trees sent far and wide this year, with the spring giveaway alone delivering a total of 623,910 saplings to 3865 organisations across the UK.

Vicky added: “We couldn't do this without the support and generosity of our funders.

“We have great backing and our thanks go out to each of them for their vital support.”