Two Wisbech charities are among 16 good causes to benefit from the generosity of a Norfolk businessman.

Wisbech Standard: Almary Green managing director Carl Lamb with Michelle Knight, Louann Tyler, Sara Petchell and Ali Newman from MacMillan and Hudson Palliative Care.Almary Green managing director Carl Lamb with Michelle Knight, Louann Tyler, Sara Petchell and Ali Newman from MacMillan and Hudson Palliative Care. (Image: (C) Newsmakers)

The Angles Theatre and a craft project working with terminally ill patients have each received £600.

For the fourth year independent financial advisers Almary Green celebrated business success by donating more than £10,000 to community groups.

Carl Lamb, managing director of Almary Green, a former RAF officer, said: “Almary Green is in the position we are in today because we have been supported by local people and local businesses.

“I believe it’s right to share some of our good fortune with the community.

“We want to encourage groups who are volunteering so much of their own time and resources to make a difference to the lives of people who have been less fortunate.”

Macmillan and Hudson Palliative Care runs a day care centre project at Wisbech Community Hospital, for people living with terminal health conditions.

Ali Newman is one of three tutors providing craft activities for patients with conditions such as motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and cancer.

She said: “This is the first grant we have ever had from anyone. It is fantastic.

“Normally we have to beg or borrow what we can. A lot comes out of the tutors’ pockets.”

While patients are visiting the centre for treatment, they are invited to try craftwork ranging from stained glass, whittling, willow weaving or jewellery.

Ms Newman said: “We work with them for weeks or months, depending on how advanced their condition is. They love making things to leave to family members as gifts and they do beautiful work. It is not a sad place at all.”

The Angles plans to use the funds to provide better facilities for the disabled toilet, a baby changing unit, water dispenser and improved lighting.

The Almary Green Awards started in 2011 and has since established a trust fund.

This year’s donations mean almost 80 charities have now benefitted by sums ranging up to £2,000.