‘An amazing response’ led to more than £5,500 being raised at Mark Cross’ Annual Cancer Charity Darts Fun Day – in its six years the fundraiser has donated £36,000.

Wisbech Standard: Mark Cross' 6th Cancer Charity Darts Fun Day in aid of the Oncology Department at Peterborough City Hospital. Left: Mark Waters, Tracey Baldwin and David Wilson. Picture: Steve Williams.Mark Cross' 6th Cancer Charity Darts Fun Day in aid of the Oncology Department at Peterborough City Hospital. Left: Mark Waters, Tracey Baldwin and David Wilson. Picture: Steve Williams. (Image: Archant)

The event, held at the GER Sports Club on Saturday, welcomed 104 people to play darts and many more crammed in to support the event and enjoy the tombola, draw and auction.

It was held in aid of the Oncology Department at Peterborough City Hospital.

Mark Cross, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2009, said the care and treatment he received at the hospital saved his life.

“The response was amazing,” he said of the darts day at the weekend.

Wisbech Standard: Mark Cross' 6th Cancer Charity Darts Fun Day in aid of the Oncology Department at Peterborough City Hospital. tombola stall helpers. Left: Jackie Healey, Lucie Cross, Amiee Cross and Shirley Moores. Picture: Steve Williams.Mark Cross' 6th Cancer Charity Darts Fun Day in aid of the Oncology Department at Peterborough City Hospital. tombola stall helpers. Left: Jackie Healey, Lucie Cross, Amiee Cross and Shirley Moores. Picture: Steve Williams. (Image: Archant)

“Early indications suggest that when all auction lots are paid for and all monies are in we will have made a profit in the region of £5,500 to £6,000 this year.

“I opened the day and explained that the monies raised so far have been used to purchase an ultrasound machine for use in the chemotherapy department; comfortable chairs to enhance the treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy patients; training courses for nurses who work in the oncology department and funding Cancer Research on a local level.

“The money has also helped purchase two sky ceilings for the Linear Accelerator bunkers. These give patients a view of the summer sky while they are lying on their backs for prolonged periods of time, helping to keep them relaxed and calm whilst receiving their treatment.

“I cannot thank all those enough who supported the event and the many people who donated wonderful items on the day,” he added.

Wisbech Standard: Mark Cross' 6th Cancer Charity Darts Fun Day in aid of the Oncology Department at Peterborough City Hospital. Mark Cross. Picture: Steve Williams.Mark Cross' 6th Cancer Charity Darts Fun Day in aid of the Oncology Department at Peterborough City Hospital. Mark Cross. Picture: Steve Williams. (Image: Archant)

“A special mention must go to my mum and dad, Ann and Dick Cross, and Bill Turvey, who sold draw tickets all day, working tirelessly securing draw prizes.

“I would also like to thank my nan, Jackie Healey, who donated nearly the entirety of the tombola prizes and made over £400 on the day; Andrew Youles, Paul Wright, Neil Collins, Craig Gilpatrick, Tony Barnes and Lorraine Barnes and all of the GER Committee and bar staff for their continued support.

“I couldn’t do the day without the love and support of my wonderful wife Kim and my son’s Ryan and Nathan,” Mr Cross added.

“Many local businesses generously donated draw prizes including Howdens, Ridgeons, March Quality Meats, Stotts Fish Restaurant, Malletts Jewellers, Cassanos, Storeys Arts and Crafts, Sainsbury’s, Boots and Tesco.

“Many thanks to all of my board sponsors: GER Hot Shotz darts team, Jonny Pearce, Darren Wojtowych Garden Services, Craig Gilpatrick, Nigel Searle, Monica Stonham, Les and Sheridan Hodkinson and Fraser Dawbarns Solicitors.

The darts winners on the day were:

Cricket Triples winners: Mark Waters, David Wilson & Tracey Baldwin; runners-up: Dan Beaney, Kevin Cooper & Marcus Larham

Pairs winners: Chris Sands Pearce & Tracey Baldwin; Runners-up: Gary Robertson & Andy Smith

Youth singles champion: Ellis Fulcher; Runner-up: Ryan Woodlow

Singles champion: Terry Redhead; Runner-up: David Wilson