I feel I must complain about Councillor Alan Lay’s letter and his attitude to the Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) in town particularly at the meeting of Wisbech Town Council on April 27.

I don’t think that at times he realises they are unpaid volunteers who give up their time to try and help make our town a better place to be.

Instead of appreciating what they do, he deems it fit to belittle and put down their efforts, and as for predicting a future of anarchy I feel he is completely misguided.

I am sure a lot of people have differing views about policing levels but using PCSO’s as a scapegoat is very unfair.

His quote in relation to the issuing of parking tickets of ‘five per hour equals 40 per six working days which is 240 per week’ would better read ‘five per hour equals 40 per day, over six days equates to 240 per week ‘


Via email