Being the best at losing wouldn’t normally scoop an award yet one man from Chatteris has done just that after being named the town’s ‘Greatest Loser’ 2018 in the new Chatteris Slimming World group.

Nathan Brennan has lost more than two stone to take the title, which is awarded to the member who has lost the most weight, and says he feels fabulous as a result.

Nathan has gone from around 14st to 12st 2.5lb. He said: “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a loser when it feels this good!

“I feel like a new man since losing weight. For me it’s the change on the inside that’s been the greatest. I’m happier, healthier and much more confident now.”

The 37 year-old joined the Chatteris Cricket Club group, opened by new consultant Vicky Hutchinson, in January.

Nathan said: “My weight impacted on so many aspects of my life, from struggling to find clothes that I like to fit to not being able to do simple everyday tasks without feeling tired and out of breath.

“Before I lost the weight I hated having my photo taken and whenever I saw pictures of myself I knew that my smile wasn’t real.”

Nathan’s weight was putting a strain on his health as he wasn’t sleeping properly and would only do basic exercise.

Now he exercises daily and enjoys running after a three year break.

“Walking through those doors was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, being a man I thought I’d be on the only man there but I needn’t have worried, everyone there was so friendly.

“I was so relieved when I found out that my weight was confidential – I had visions of having to tell everyone how much I weighed.

“Since then I’ve made many friends at the group. I honestly don’t think I could have done it without their support.

“I’ve learned how to make small changes like using lean meat or cooking with low calorie spray instead of oil or butter.

“It fits in with the rest of my family and we can all eat the same meals. I haven’t ‘gone on a diet’, this is a change that I’ve made for life and have the tools I need to keep up forever.”