Gregory Hazel is a talent to be reckoned with - his act at The Maltings in Ely as Vivien de Vil was most entertaining and informative.

Wisbech Standard: Gregory Hazels performance of With One Look at The Maltings in Ely. Picture: DANIEL BELL.Gregory Hazels performance of With One Look at The Maltings in Ely. Picture: DANIEL BELL. (Image: Archant)

He moved the heart strings deliciously; one moment revelling in joy, another swamped in pathos and unrequited love which we could all empathise with perfectly. His voice and charisma are particularly suited to Sondheim and numbers by famous female singers, such as Elaine Page, Julie Andrews and Barbra Streisand were among his amazing repertoire.

Equal to any of the stage acts I have seen in the West End, once the world wakes up to his talent, people will be clamouring to hear him.

He captured the audience’s attention for the whole evening’s programme and not once did we sense any falseness in his amazing voice and sentiments.

Numbers such as ‘With one Look’, ‘Cabaret’, ‘Don’t Rain on my Parade’, ‘Memory’ and ‘People’ were highlights for me.

The show was more than the usual run of songs - some of the items were comically adapted to the city venue and in between items, he gave a running commentary full of juicy information about the famous female stars we know and love.

The audience revelled in his invitation to participate.

He was very ably accompanied by Henry Brennan whose fluency on the piano was phenomenal and Michael Bazzoni, a fine percussionist.

I felt privileged to witness this new world star in the making.