WE would like to say a big thank you to the Mayor, Mayoress and Deputy Mayor, the Beadle, the Clarkson Singers, Elm Primary School, Wisbech Grammar School and Nene School for helping make the opening ceremony of the Christmas Market so enjoyable.Many vis

WE would like to say a big thank you to the Mayor, Mayoress and Deputy Mayor, the Beadle, the Clarkson Singers, Elm Primary School, Wisbech Grammar School and Nene School for helping make the opening ceremony of the Christmas Market so enjoyable.

Many visitors have remarked how nice it was to have a range of singers and all ages taking part.

So once again thank you to everyone who gave their time for the event.


Opening Ceremony Organisers.

WHEN I visited Wisbech I was drawn by the Town Crier and proceedings in the Market Place.

I am down here visiting relatives.

What a fantastic start to the Christmas Market.

I must congratulate the opening not only did we get the regalia and splendour of the Beadle and the Mayor, but a wide variety of ages singing for over two hours.

All the singers were a joy to watch.

What a difference from last year, well done everyone, let’s hope it continues.


Town End

