I NOTE the letter that Clive Burke, a consulting Engineer of Didcot Power Station, wrote in your paper two weeks ago. While everyone is entitled to their opinions on the emotive subject of wind turbines, he should be more honest to his position. He is not

I NOTE the letter that Clive Burke, a consulting Engineer of Didcot Power Station, wrote in your paper two weeks ago.

While everyone is entitled to their opinions on the emotive subject of wind turbines, he should be more honest to his position. He is not an employee of Didcot Power Station as implied by his letter. He is in fact employed by a firm of private contractors currently doing work for that power station. This information has been supplied to me by RWE npower the owners of the power station.

What alerted me to the doubts about his position was when he referred to the "90 per cent majority of people who love turbines". Nowhere in the whole country has any survey given those sorts of results, and I am sure Didcot Power Station would not be happy to be associated with this type of misleading information.


The Laurels
