IF I want to know about male and female fashion, I will have to visit a fashion store, or watch a TV show with Gok as an informal guide to what is available; I would then have a picture of what is out there. The same approach applies to shoes, boots and s

IF I want to know about male and female fashion, I will have to visit a fashion store, or watch a TV show with Gok as an informal guide to what is available; I would then have a picture of what is out there.

The same approach applies to shoes, boots and sandals. If I am to be aware of good books I go to the library, for after shave I go the chemist, for a haircut that is in fashion I go to the hairdresser.

To find what the best washing machine is I go to Currys, and while I am there I would find the best TV and find the joy of digital radio.

If I wanted a good meal, and something different I have a choice of Chinese, Italian, Asian, Thai or French and in each restaurant I would study the menu to order something that I fancy.

The acceptable attitude applies to almost all our senses, the more you delve into and the more experience the better the quality of life, except for one - and that is sex.

If all previous examples are justified then a licensed and legal sex shop like the one about to open in Guyhirn is no different.


Beatrice Road


I WAS wondering if I was the only reader of Mr Moss' comments relating to a specific sign on the A47 that he doesn't seem to be very happy with.

The man is obviously colour blind as he states on more than one occasion that the sign is pink. To me all the signs in relation to this business are white. I think we need to get him down to Specsavers sharpish.

I understand this is not a new sign at all; this sign was an existing roadside sign with full planning permission to be there. This also applies to size, nothing has changed. Does he honestly think people will plonk that there if they weren't allowed?

The Adult shop has done everything by the rules, and still you persecute. Are you not more concerned about things closer to home like Wisbech, where every other shop has either closed down or become a charity case?

We should all be proud that a local business family, whose ethos is hard work and doing everything above board, is going forward with a plan (what ever it may be especially in the current climate) to use an old building that no one was bothered about and bringing it back to life.

Good on them!


Wisbech St Mary

I WAS surprised by your recent article about MP Malcolm Moss' objections to the signs at the new Sex Shop at Guyhirn.

However, I was not surprised to see that even our local Member of Parliament is ignored by Fenland District Council's officers and members.

It was claimed by those who supported the sex shop (in the face of nearly 200 local protestors) that granting a licence would allow the council to control, amongst other things, signage.

Therefore, how the planners can see planting a few flowers on a roundabout as 'distracting to drivers' and yet huge, tacky pink signs as somehow not is beyond me (and Mr Moss, too, it seems).

My views have nothing to do with morality, simply a wholly inappropriate venue and local representatives who feel they can ride roughshod over the views of those who both elect them and play their salaries.

I hope Mr Moss' intervention will enable some sense to prevail here, but I am not optimistic.

This whole sordid Sex Shop episode is a disgraceful example of local democracy at its worst.


Elwyn Court


NOTWITHSTANDING the defeat we have suffered as a community in Guyhirn, we now have to put up with a monstrous sex shop sign near our village.

This is not the result of Guyhirn residents and supporters who did not want it, but Fenland District Council.

What an advert to the thousands of motorists come holidaymakers who travel to and from The Fens and East Anglia.


Gull Road
