YOUR headline on the front page of last week s paper appears to have missed the point of some residents concerns by focusing on Cllr Owen. The humps on the west side of the mini roundabout have resulted in excessive noise and vibration of properties b

YOUR headline on the front page of last week's paper appears to have missed the point of some residents' concerns by focusing on Cllr Owen.

The humps on the west side of the mini roundabout have resulted in excessive noise and vibration of properties by large vehicles negotiating the humps, particularly in the early hours of the morning.

Some small vehicles do slow down for the humps, but then increase speed towards the mini roundabout and vice versa. Other vehicles do not slow down at all but simply speed through the middle of the two humps.

We need Cambridgeshire County Council Highways Department to remove these humps as they do not "add value" to the Safer Routes to School Scheme.

Cllr Owen's apparent lack of geographical knowledge of the town has ridiculed our serious concerns over this issue.


Via e-mail