WITHOUT a doubt the uncertainty surrounding the new college will have detrimental repercussions on the future education of our local children. It is therefore ironic that Fenland s Labour spokesman has come out in support of the campaign to secure fundin

WITHOUT a doubt the uncertainty surrounding the new college will have detrimental repercussions on the future education of our local children.

It is therefore ironic that Fenland's Labour spokesman has come out in support of the campaign to secure funding agreed for the college.

This is considering that it is the Labour Government's actions which have put our community in this situation in the first place.

It could be suggested that the Labour spokesman has 'jumped on the bandwagon' a little late after the Conservative MP Malcolm Moss, Parliamentary Candidate Steve Barclay and Leader of the FDC Geoff Harper have all raised this issue.

It is a sorry state of affairs and I personally feel embarrassed on his behalf for having to be Labour's fading voice in this campaign to get the facilities this community so desperately needs and deserves!

