On November 4, the government launched a £50 million scheme to boost tree planting in the UK in its bid to fight climate change.

Furthermore, in January this year, Cambridgeshire County Council laid down ambitious plans to convert 11 per cent of all the land in Cambridgeshire into forest, by planting up to 10 million trees within five years.

Compare that to what is happening in Wisbech. Today, another row of nine mature trees were felled, with no plans to have them replaced.

Yes, sometimes trees have to be felled because of safety issues or because they are diseased, but unless they are replaced, not only aren't we in tune with what is trying to be achieved at government and county level, our local authorities are actually making things worse, by increasing the amount of carbon released back into the atmosphere, when the trees are burnt.

That is why many authorities have adopted a two for one policy, so that if a tree is felled, two are planted, ensuring that there is a net gain in carbon fixation rather than a net loss.

The trees felled in Wisbech Park last year, under the direction of Fenland District Council, have also not yet been replaced.

It is about time someone made sure that the various authorities are all singing from the same hymn sheet, otherwise Wisbech will slowly turn into a treeless, barren concrete and tarmac covered wilderness.

Undoing all the good work done by others, who are desperately trying their best to secure a safe and better future for our children and grandchildren.

Alan Wheeldon, Wisbech